and Governance
Our team is made up of professionals who are proactive and willing to learn continuously on the topics of carbon markets, forest conservation and restoration, climate change, and sustainability.

To make environmental conservation financially viable, the vision of the founders of Biofílica Ambipar was to develop a company that makes forests and their environmental services assets to be traded in the market.

Our shareholders have invested in the development of a unique business model that brings a feasible alternative to valorize native forests.

Promoting Sustainability through Environmental Services


Plínio Ribeiro

Co-Founder & CEO
Plínio Ribeiro is the co-founder and CEO of Biofílica Ambipar Environment, a pioneer in Brazil for carbon project development. In addition to his position as CEO at Biofílica, he is also the vice president of the Nature-Based Solutions Brazil Alliance, representing around 15 project developers in Brazil with the common aim of creating a more reliable market for carbon credits with high environmental integrity . Plínio is also a co-founder member of Instituto Escolhas, an NGO dedicated to furthering the environmental agenda in Brazil and is the leader of the sustainability committee of the Brazilian Rural Society (SRB). Plínio holds a degree in Business Administration from INSPER and a Master's degree in Public Administration and Environment from Columbia University and the Earth Institute (USA).


Co-Founder & Scientific Director
Business administrator and biologist. He has a master's and doctorate from the University of Florida in Gainesville, USA. He is a retired professor from the Forest Engineering Department of the University of Brasilia. He is currently a professor at the School of Environmental Conservation and Sustainability of IPÊ - Institute for Ecological Research.


Co-Founder & Board
Businessman and pioneer in environmental initiatives in Brazil, he is founding partner of Biofílica, served as Chairman of the Board since the company's creation in 2008 until July 2021. Additionally, Juscelino is a shareholder of the Martins Group and holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banco Triângulo S.A., besides being a board member of the Ecological Research Institute (IPE). Juscelino has a degree in Economics.



Soraya Pires

Director of Operations
and Business Development
Agronomist, graduated from Esalq/USP with a specialization in strategic management and finance from FGV, with 15 years' experience in M&A, financial modeling, management and development of agro-industrial businesses and a career developed in large multinational companies in the sugar-energy sector.


Sales & Marketing Director
Graduated in Business Administration and has a post-graduate degree in Finance from FGV-SP. He has worked for over 15 years in the commercial area of large national and international companies. At Biofílica, he is responsible for the Sales and Marketing area, where he leads the commercial relationship in the global voluntary carbon market.


Head of Technology
A professional with a degree from UNICAMP, he has been working in the technology market since 2012, with a strong focus on digital strategy, software development, digital transformation and business development.

Flavia Gillich

Head of Finance
Graduated in Business Administration, Postgraduate in Business Planning and Control and MBA in Finance and Controllership from USP. Professional with more than 20 years' experience in the Finance and Controllership area, in national and multinational companies in a variety of sectors. Responsible for Strategic and Financial Planning, Budgeting, Accounting, Treasury, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing, Credit, Collection, Internal Auditing, Purchasing and Contracts.

Caio Gallego

NBS Intelligence Manager
Forestry engineer with a degree from USP (ESALQ Campus) and an MBA in Business Sustainability from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation. He has experience in forest conservation and restoration, climate change, environmental modeling and environmental project management. He works as an operations manager on projects developed for the carbon market.

Raphael Ramiro

Business Development Manager
Graduated in Financial Management, with an MBA in Corporate Finance from UFSCar. Currently studying Accounting at FIPECAFI (Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras), and an MBA in Ecological Restoration from UFSCar. Professional with over 15 years' experience in Financial Planning, Financial Modeling, Project Evaluation, Project Finance, Strategic Planning and Corporate Finance.


Head of National Sales
Economist from USP (ESALQ Campus) and MBA in Commercial Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, he manages the carbon credit sales team, serves national key-accounts and supports relevant international sales. He leads part of the commercial strategies and manages Biofílica Ambipar's carbon credit portfolio and reports results to the company's Board of Directors.

Marcos Almeida

Head of International Sales
Marcos Almeida is the Head of International Sales and Business Development of Biofilica Ambipar Environment and has 10 years experience in international trade business. Marcos has degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Itajuba (UNIFEI) and Certificate in Business Administration from Insper. He leads the sales, sourcing, brokerage and trading operations of Biofilica Ambipar.

Vivian Rime

Human Resources Manager
Graduated in Psychology from Mackenzie and Coaching from SLAC, with a post-graduate degree in People and Business Management. She has been working in Talent Management for over 20 years, with experience in all the area's subsystems: Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, Rewards, Culture, Safety, Health & Environment, Business Partner, Union Negotiation and Endormarketing, defining strategies, policies and processes in the area.

Ricardo Cordeiro

Marketing Coordinator
Graduated in digital marketing and with an MBA in Marketing, Branding & Growth from PUC Rio Grande do Sul, he has over 16 years' experience in art direction (On and Offline) and project management. A specialist in digital marketing strategies, SEO, Google Adwords and Social Ads, she has worked for digital, trade and live marketing agencies throughout her career. At Biofílica Ambipar she leads the marketing team, planning and executing actions focused on Branding and Growth.

Be part of the team
Biofílica Ambipar Environment


We are a Brazilian company focused on the native forest conservation through the commercialization of environmental services.

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