September 2, 2020

? Environmental education: an important ally towards conservation ?

Get to know more about the initiative of Forest Education of the Manoa REDD+ Project, a partnership of Biofílica with the Triângulo Group, promoting awareness of […]
August 27, 2020

? ? Beyond Environment: ESG-focused investors are concerned with biodiversity conservation ?

We are experiencing a phase of major changes in the investments world. Large asset managers are increasingly aware of the transformative power that resources allocation can […]
July 17, 2020

NORSUL and Biofílica: a valuable partnership for the protection of the ? Amazon Rainforest – Part 1

In partnership with Biofílica since January 2020, the Companhia de Navegação Norsul neutralizes the emissions of its entire fleet through carbon credits. In this first post […]
July 7, 2020
Comissão ASMOREX

Rio Preto Jacundá REDD+ Project: ASMOREX has a fundamental role for its community to overcome the pandemic

ASMOREX establishes measures to avoid the contagion and control the crisis caused by the pandemic. Awareness and information are the main resources so that the community […]
June 9, 2020

Rondônia uses REDD+ in its strategy to combat deforestation

Within the historically most-degraded Amazon regions, the state seeks to attract investments to enable sustainable productive actions with local communities and farmers. Seeking solutions to deal […]
June 2, 2020

? COVID-19: the virus affects the Amazon Rainforest and shows the importance of investments in environmental services ?

The pandemic affects the economy of the Amazon region, which suffers with the impacts. The crisis may lead to the growth of the challenge to fight […]
May 4, 2020
After all, what is REDD+?

After all, what is REDD+?

A guide for you to understand what REDD+ is and how this investment aggregates value to your business as you contribute towards the conservation of forests. […]
April 27, 2020

Sustainable Forest Management of the Jari Amapá REDD+ Project and the maintenance of the biodiversity of fauna

Monitoring of the biodiversity performed in the project indicates that the results found for fauna in the areas of sustainable forest management are similar to those […]
April 13, 2020

Jari Valley REDD+ Project Power grid reaches 59 families in Nova Conquista

The dream of 59 families that live in the community of Nova Conquista, in the municipality of Vitória do Jari, has just come true. After the […]
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